My dear Bercario babies playing outside in their bathtub...or pool!?
Dear sweet Cleita!
Wesley...very pensive!
Augustinho while playing in the water! It was definitely at least 100!
Francisco and Cleita...some of the cutest babies ever!!!
Innocence?! I think not...
Pedro playing in my garden...
Narciso and Mae (brother and sister) having a little play time today!
Adilson in the Baby House post lunch...
Alberto not sleeping during nap time (possibly my fault) this little one learned to climb out of his crib on his own this week...oh the things the Baby House will teach you at a young age... excited not to be sleeping during nap time!
Alfiado being a monkey in his crib...
Oh moves galore!
Joao and Lucas hanging out before afternoon program!
It was certainly a full day! This morning I helped out in the nursery for about an hour so our tias could go to a Bible study. It was already about 100 by 9:30 so we let all the little ones play in a bucket of water outside! Maybe one of the cutest things EVER! Then I went off to find Narciso to let him play with his sister, Mae, who lives in the Baby House. All of Narciso's buddies followed us. It ended up being 4 little boys and dear Mae playing in my garden for about an hour. They made me laugh a lot and had tons of fun! After I had some lunch, I was off to prepare for the afternoon program in Laura's dorm. This week I am having the boys trace their hands, decorate them, and glue them to a big circle to make a sun. They were so excited when it was complete and we hung it on their room door. So cute! I played with my little friend Lucas for a bit, let some of Laura's boys come play with cars, got snack and everything else ready for afternoon program tomorrow since I won't have any time to prepare tomorrow because I'll be working in the Baby House all day and just sneaking away to make crafts with the boys! Next came cooking garlic bread to bring to our pot luck dinner. It turned out great with melted cheese on top and everything. A full day for sure!
I want to write you all a list of all the many things I have to be thankful for here, but it is going to have to wait until at least tomorrow! I'm's already almost 11pm and I have to be up in the Baby House by 7:30 tomorrow morning. Today was a great day filled with sun, fun, and many little ones. Tomorrow will be a bit different and certainly more nursing focused!
I want to write you all a list of all the many things I have to be thankful for here, but it is going to have to wait until at least tomorrow! I'm's already almost 11pm and I have to be up in the Baby House by 7:30 tomorrow morning. Today was a great day filled with sun, fun, and many little ones. Tomorrow will be a bit different and certainly more nursing focused!
Love you all and pray Thanksgiving was a great day for you as well!