He is still quite the chubster and hilarious to say the least. We are still struggling through getting his asthma/reflux/allergies under control. Please be praying for God's complete healing in this area for him!
And as for Manuel 2 he is now a walking miracle! He came to us the end of June a severely malnourished, close to death little one. Here's a photo if you can't remember what he looked like at 16 months old and 5.71kg (about 12.5 pounds). We worked daily to get him just a drink a bit of fortified milk and keep his temperature regulated. Not to mention the fact that he couldn't sit or do much on his own.
After we determined his hemoglobin was dangerously low and he had an overwhelming infection he spent 2 weeks in the hospital on the malnutrition ward. Here he is after returning to us from the hospital, much stronger and able to crawl!
By August Manuel 2 had developed quite the personality and was becoming chubby finally! He loved singing and dancing and never failed to get his point across! Even when he was too weak to move he still knew what he wanted...after gaining strength he was just able to express it much more loudly!
Now Manuel 2 is WALKING! He's singing and dancing all the time. He still loves to whine but is too cute and lovable for his own good. He has the best facial expressions and still never fails to be heard by everyone! What a miracle his little life is. Every time I see his grandfather (the person who brought in that first day), he thanks me, the tias, and God profusely for the life of his precious grandson! Stay tuned for a post showing you the miraculous healing of his head wound...you won't believe your eyes! For now praise our God for the miraculous work of healing He's done for Manuel 2! May he one day be able to stand as a testimony to all of our God's healing power!
It's hard to believe that is Alberto though you can see it in his face. Praise God he is doing so well. These are the photos that tug at my "missing Mozambique" heart strings!