Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Happy Goodbye!

Friday I was able to say a happy goodbye. My little community boy with the burnt arm...he graduated on Friday! His burn has healed so very well in about 5 weeks that I felt it was time for him to learn to clean it himself and not need to come back every few days to see me! His mom was delighted as I showed her what she needed to do to keep it clean. I gave them all they'll need and told them to come back if there are any issues...but I'm confident he will do just fine! No skin graft need, no serious infections...just some prayers, simple wound care supplies, and the result of a happy, healthy little boy!
Here's him with his family (mom and little sister...there are 3 other kids at home) on graduation day!!!!Here's me and him...what an amazing outcome!
From this.... this in about 5 weeks! Praise God!
Even in a dirt floor house, even with his mom leaving for a whole week, God has allowed me to help this little one. I'll miss having him around every few days but I'm so excited of him that he has full function of his arm and will grow up just fine...this may seem normal to all of you, but here burns like this can cause malformation, amputation, or even death! One more of God's children will continue to grow up! That is something to celebrate!

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