In this picture is Manuel (our newest little can read about him in the previous post) and Augustinho Pequenio (or little in Portuguese because we have 2 Augustinho's at the moment). Augustinho P is 18 months old and a VERY active naughty 18 months.
So we made it through breakfast, I gave them their medications, and we were ready to head out the door...on time even! I picked up Manuel and put him on my back to tie him on (with my capalana as a real Mozambican mama would). A nice smell appeared and I held Manuel's bottom to secure him to my was squishy...VERY FULL diaper. The tias quickly took him from me, stopped bathing the other 30 children, washed him off, changed his clothes, and passed him back to me. Those women are my heroes! (This the second time in 3 days they have taken a child with an exploding diaper away from me and handed them back a few minutes later squeaky clean!)
Oh the adventures of working with children.....!!!!!!! :)
***And if you are wondering...vaccinating 21 children in less than an hour in one room is quite the experience. We brought them in in groups of 5 doing the youngest frist, but number 5 of each group certainly needed to be held down. Lollipops helped a bit but there were many tears. At least we made it through, and we pray this means no more measles on the center! Here's some pictures of the kids waiting on the bus this morning before we left...they all kept saying, "We are going to get shots, but I'm not scared."
Seems to me that lollipops work for shots in any culture!