Wednesday, November 10, 2010


So many of you think of church as a boring time of sitting in pews, standing, kneeling, singing...or maybe an exciting time of worship in a huge auditorium.  Whatever your norm is I can promise it's starkly different to what church looks like for me.  All I can say is, it's full of children, loud, a time of dancing celebration, and sweet intimate prayer time...really all I can do is show you!  This was church this past Sunday with some of the cutest kids in the world and the great big loving God we serve!

Very regularly we sing a song in church that is entitled...Do a Miracle in Me!  I absolutely love it and the impact it has on our children.  Just read and imagine 350 children singing this unto the Lord!
Como Zaqueu eu quero subir  (Like Zacchaeus I want to climb)
O mais alto que eu puder  (as high as I can)
Só pra te ver, olhar para Ti; (Just to see You, look at You)
E chamar sua atenção para mim.  (and call your attention to me)
Eu preciso de Ti, Senhor  (I need You, Lord)
Eu preciso de Ti, Oh! Pai  (I need You, Oh Father)
Sou pequeno demais  (I'm too small)
Me dá a Tua Paz  (Give me your peace)
Largo tudo pra te seguir.  (Everything to follow You)
Entra na minha casa  (Come into my house)
Entra na minha vida  (Come into my life)
Mexe com minha estrutura  (Mess with my structure)
Sara todas as feridas  (Heal all my wounds)
Me ensina a ter Santidade  (Teach me to choose holiness)
Quero amar somente a Ti,  (I love only You)
Porque o Senhor é o meu bem maior,  (because the Lord is my highest good)

Faz um Milagre em mim.  (Do a miracle in me)

I wish you could all experience this!

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