Saturday, January 1, 2011

Oh the US of A...

So I thought it was appropriate to write a list of all the things you notice about the US once you've been gone for awhile.  This should make you all snicker and realize just how blessed all of us Americans we go!
1- Toilet paper is SERIOUSLY soft these days!  I'm reminded again every time I use the's more like a lotiony puff than TP...not even a hint of roughness...luxurious even!
2- Smart phones are taking over the world, or America at least.  If you don't have an iphone or blackberry you just aren't connected.  We wouldn't want to have to wait until we're home to check our e-mail...nope, it should come to us like it's a text.  I will admit though that while watching a movie being able to look things up on imdb on your phone is pretty clutch at times!  Maybe one day I'll take the plunge and get connected like the rest of America.
3- After Christmas sales might be the best thing since sliced bread!  No, I haven't bought a thing but I can promise you that whenever I live back in the US for Christmas next I'll be at Target, Walmart, and everywhere else buying up the Christmas decor and anything else that is almost free the few days after the holidays!
4- It's too bad college football can't last ALL year long.  I know, I know...there is NFL and there is basketball but they just don't entertain me like college football.  I LOVE it!  I love the hype; I love the spirit; and I just love the game!
5- The grocery store is the most overwhelming thing EVER...there is an entire row of cookies...just cookies!  I started to hyperventilate and had to walk away when mom asked me to pick out cookies for the family...chips on the other hand, I always know which ones to go for...Ruffles Chedder and Sour Cream!  LOVE them!
6- It is almost unheard of to not be able to get what you want.  It may take money, but it's possible.  The world seriously is at our finger tips...just type it in google and order with your favorite piece of plastic...that's all it takes!  Go to sleep and if you picked overnight it will be on your doorstep the next day!  Or you can jump in your car, drive 2 minutes and pick almost anything you need up at your local's honestly amazing.
7- Interactive video games are truly fun with your friends!  I've had the opportunity to play wii and xbox kinect since I've been home and through laughter, sweating, and even needing a bottle of water I've loved every minute of it (Thanks Denny's!).  If you haven't tried it don't knock it!  You can get your exercise in and have lots of laughs all at once!  I hope this helps the littlies of America stay a bit more healthy!
8- American coffee is just good!  Be it Starbucks, Dunkin' Doughnuts, or whatever you picked up out of the 8,000 choices at your local grocery's good...period!
9- Puppies are adorable and A LOT of work!  It's seems as if everyone I know has gotten a puppy while I've been away.  Ok that is an extreme exaggeration but still I want one!  I want "man's best friend"...I want a white little fluffy puppy!
10- Things work out...I don't think we realize how simple things are.  You make a plan and those things happen.  For example...Hey Mom I'm going to run to the bank, stop by the grocery store, and then I'll be over at a friend's.  See you for dinner.  And on 9 out of 10 days you will be able to do just that.  For me...the planner...I love it!  I love knowing that things will work out.  I love making a plan and following it!

So in conclusion...America is such a blessing!  I have been very blessed to get to spend the holidays here with family and friends, and I've loved every minute of it.

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