Friday, June 19, 2009

Back in Clemson...

So I think I'm figuring out that being back in Clemson is a soothing yet stressful place for me to come. That seems funny but I think I can explain. It has been home for the past 4 years making it a place that makes me smile with memories at every corner and just be filled with joy as I walk around remembering all that I have been through and all the changes that have occurred in my life over the past 4 years. That part is soothing. But at the same time I have this intense desire to still be here while at the same time knowing I've been called to be in Aiken and in Africa in count them 2 months. Each time I get to spend time with someone I love dearly in Clemson/Anderson or even being in my apartment makes me wish I had more time with my old roommates...I don't want regrets but they seem to be a part of my thinking at the moment.
My prayer tonight is that if this is spiritual warfare that Jesus would fight that fight in my place and if it's not that I would be able to lean on Him to change my heart.

Prayer number two at the moment is for diligence and peace for the next week as I finish studying for and take my nursing boards. Please prayer for peace next Friday at 2:00...I'll be sitting down at a computer in Augusta to complete my boards.

Prayer number three today is for my overwhelming feelings of inadequacy to be changed to preparation. As I read more of Erin's blog (the girl who's place I will be taking for a least a little while at Zimpeto) and learn about what medical problems she sees day to day all I can think is WOW...I'm a new graduate with little experience. My heart keeps saying God is sending you and therefore has gone ahead of you to prepare the way, but my head is shouting what do you think you're doing???
I did here something on the radio today that spoke to me- Colossians 3:23 "Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people." What truth? I want this to ring true in all I do. I want this to penetrate my thinking so that when others ask, "How do you think you are going to handle medical emergencies when you have no experience?" I can say with certainty...with God's help and for only His glory!

One more thing...I alittle excitement came to me this week...I was working through a section of my Bible study and was reading Isaiah 30:19-21. I really felt that God was asking me to share this with His people in Mozambique...and to be clear that only He can end their suffering. What an answer to prayer?! My main prayer the last few weeks has been for God to reveal His vision clearly for my ministry in Africa. Read this passage and I think you'll understand my excitement:
"O people of Zion (substitute of Zimpeto), who live in Jerusalem (Maputo, Mozambique), you will weep no more. He will surely respond to the sound of your cries. Though the Lord gave you adversity for food and suffering for drink, he will still be with you to teach you. You will see your teacher with your own eyes. Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, 'This is the way you should go,' whether to the right or to the left." ~Isaiah 30:19-21

Ok...I think that's all I have for now.
To recap-
1-prayers against spiritual warfare/prayers for a changed heart
2-prayers for diligence and peace in regard to my boards (June 26th at 2:00)
3-prayers that I would begin to feel God preparing me and the way!
4-major thanksgiving for what I believe is a small glimpse into what God's vision is for my ministry at Zimpeto!

1 comment:

  1. Meghann!
    So exciting to hear how you're being prepared to go to Africa! I just wanted to share with you something I heard the other day about inadequacy, or if you will, the fear of being inadequate. Brad was the one who said it and the idea is that fear is not from the Lord but if our perspective on it is tweaked, what it actually becomes is desparation for God which is never a bad thing.
    Love to see you if you're in town!
    you're beautiful,

    Laura Q
