Wednesday, September 29, 2010


This is Dionisio.  He is still working through extreme attachment issues and really is doing quite well...but still has the ocassional break down.  The other day I was out in the sand with the kids.  I only had a few minutes to play before I needed to run off to do something else.  I knew if I picked Dio up I would be leaving him a few moments later crying in the sand for the tias to deal with.  So he asked to be held and I nicely told him no I have to go Dio.  This was absolutely NOT acceptable.
He started crying, whimpering, gnashing his teeth and so on...  One of the tias asked him what was wrong and he quickly pointed to me and was Mana Meghann.  The tia started laughing but said, why what did she do?  Dio didn't hesitated a beat...his answer was, "She bit me!"
The tias and I were laughing at him at this point...he couldn't understand why this was funny.  He just kept getting more worked up until finally I walked away and he calmed down a bit.  I know I have been exhausted and in not the best of moods recently but biting small children...I think not.  But according to Dionisio I'm a biter!


  1. Now that is funny! They learn to manipulate at such a young age any where in the world ;)

  2. Oh the tricks Erin taught him!

  3. So true Chris...and today he got upset again because I wouldn't give him my camera and told the tias I needed to go in my bed. If you haven't been here that is the punishment we always threaten with first...go in your bed or sit down...go in your bed or take you medicine. The kid is out of control with the bad baby behavior!
