Thursday, September 2, 2010

Making Decisions...

Let me start this section by saying I have NEVER been a good decision maker. I am capable of writing the pros and cons but actually making the choice has never been simple for me. If you ask mom and dad, all big life decisions have resulted in tears for me. So the one I made almost 2 months ago now was no different. I have decided to stay in Mozambique until the end of June 2011. I will be coming home for the holidays, Thanksgiving through the beginning of January. Then I will be back here serving through June.
After much prayer, I feel very strongly that my time here is not complete. I know I am not meant to be here forever and I long for nursing experience in the States and even the possibility of more schooling as well as the normalcy of life there. But, for now God is not finished with me in this place. I know this decision does not mean my time here will be simple or I won’t continue to struggle through cultural differences, language difficulties, or lack of organization/resources. These things will not change. What I do know is that God promises his children provision and protection as we walk along the path He has for us. I have seen and experienced this in the last year more than ever before in life, and I fully expect this to continue from the monetary funds I’ll need to raise to stay, to grace for the daily hardships and frustrations I’ll face.
I would love your prayers as I make plane reservations and begin to plan my time at home. If you would like me to speak to a group or church please e-mail me, but know my first priority in being home is rest and time with family and friends at the holidays. I will do my best to share my experiences and vision for the next season with as many as possible! May God bless you abundantly for your continued support and encouragement through this season of mission work in my life.

And for all of you following the riot situation...there is still a bit of violence going on. Again our children are not in school and rioters can be seen outside the center. There are no cars on the roads so our workers are stuck where they are (be that home or here). But everyone here on base is safe and sound! I have spent my morning finally writing a monthly update to everyone...if you don't receive my update and want to, e-mail me at Again no one will be leaving the center today, the medical outreach I was scheduled to go on is canceled for now. Just keep us held up in prayer please for continued protection...and keep praying for a breakthrough in the government!


  1. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. ADD ME TO THE LIST!!!! You know i'm praying for ya'll!

  3. The work you are doing is without a doubt what God has called you to do. Actually, I recently refered to your work in my blog in a post about Gods calling for us. God bless you.

    Paul Edel
