Thursday, December 2, 2010

Play Time to Remember!

In my last two weeks at the center I found some time in the midst of a chicken pox epidemic to steal some play time with my favorite children and people!  We brought a few babies at the time down to the soccer field and let them run around and play.  They look even smaller when you let them out where the big kids play, but they absolutely LOVE it!  The tias with us organized races and I even raced across the field against 2 of our tias...maybe one of my favorite memories so far...can you and 2 Mozambican women running as fast as we could with small kids cheering for us the whole way.  So funny and so fun!

 My last day at the center was a Sunday morning.  I went into the Baby House to give them all hugs and let the tias know I wouldn't be around for the next 6 weeks.  They all looked devastated until I made it very clear I'd be back in January.  Well I told the babies I was leaving on a plane but I would be back after Christmas...they are all under 5 years old remember.  Apparently they all stood outside that afternoon and every plane that flew over the center they all looked up and waved yelling..."avion de Mana Meghann" or "Miss Meghann's airplane".  So stinkin' cute!  I already miss them and love them dearly!

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