Thursday, June 23, 2011


Reintegration is the word we use to describe when a child who has been living here at the center is moved back into the house with his or her family.  This family could be a grandmother, a parent, or another relative.  It all depends on the child's individual story.  Some of our children are full orphans but others are with us because of social, economic, health, or other issues.  Sometimes reintegration happens because the ministry was able to build a house that allows a family to care for their children again.  Sometimes the child is older or their health issues have resolved.  It all depends.
If you remember, in April we said goodbye to two sets of twins in one day (if you don't remember, you can read here).  One set was Lena and Enoque, age 3.  They went to live with their grandmother and other brothers and sisters now that they are older.  Just last week we were able to go and visit them in their house.  They live only a 15 minute walk from our front gate!  It was amazing to see reintegration working for these two kids who I love dearly.  They were happy, well dressed, clean, and healthy!  Their family is loving them and caring for them.  It was an amazing confirmation that even when there are sad stories, there are joyful ones as well!
Here is Lena, Enoque, and I with their aunt in the background!
 They are just as precious and joyful as they were in the Baby House!

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