Monday, December 28, 2009

It's so hot you could...

Have you ever heard someone's so hot you could fry an egg on the pavement? I remember many people saying that to me in the heat of the summer in South Carolina. I do remember warm days. I do remember sweating just laying by the pool. I do remember as a kid mom sending me to take a shower after playing outside because I had that little kid stink. But, I never remember getting out of the shower and sweating before you can get your clothes on...
So the other day Chris, Erin, Aleya, and I tried out the egg theory. Here's what happened...
We cracked an egg and let it stay on the pavement outside my house. Pavement that was burning my legs through my skirt mind you. But even after several minutes...
Still nothing happened. So we have proven that even at 125 degrees you can still not fry an egg on pavement. Although we do still plan to try it on the basketball court...which is black top. So, stay tuned for that adventure!
And if you're not already entertained enough...before we got this experiment cleaned up Erin was walking and I said...Cuidado (be careful) the...and she had already stepped right in the egg. Pretty funny if you ask me!

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